Zirconium treatment can be accomplished at lower temperatures. This will reduce your energy costs. Water, chemical, equipment maintenance, and waste treatment costs will also be reduced by converting to zirconium. Your bottom line will improve!
Zirconium treatment can increase corrosion resistance and paint adhesion compared to your current phosphate process. Your product quality will improve!
Excess phosphorus runoff from farm fertilizers, sewage, and industrial pollutants can adversely affect plant and animal growth, as well as human development. As a result, many state and local government agencies have restricted the amount of phosphates that are permitted in wastewater. If your local government has not already come down on phosphate waste, it is only a matter of time.
PRODUCTS >> Click Product Name for Technical Data Sheet |
CM-6004 | CM-6006 | CM-963 |
Type | Reactive / Ceramic | Reactive / Ceramic | Nanoceramic |
Five + Stage | X | x | |
One Step Spray Wand | x | ||
Two Step Spray Wand | x | x | x |
Cleaning | x | ||
Multi-Metal | x | x | x |
Low Temperature | x | Maybe | x |
CM-5004 | Rinse | CM-6004 | Rinse | CM-997 |
CM-5390 | Rinse | Rinse | CM-6004 | CM-6004 | Rinse | CM-997 |
CM-6006 | Rinse |
CM-808 | Rinse | CM-6004 | Rinse |